Vertigo Therapy at Safe Space
No more dizziness. No more imbalance.
Vertigo is a condition or so-called physical feeling that you or the environment around you is moving. It can appear at different levels and with different frequencies. While some people experience barely noticeable vertigo attacks, others might have more severe versions of it.
Feeling sick, loss of balance, and dizziness are accounted to be the most common symptoms of vertigo.
Most frequently, the problem with balance in the inner ear provokes the appearance of vertigo, however, issues in certain parts of the brain can also be the reason for its occurrence.
Causes of vertigo can be:
-Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
-Meniere’s disease (occurrence of ear disorder due to unstable inner pressure and fluid)
-Vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis (inner ear disorder due to infection that leads to inflammation)
The human brain is inclined to adapt to certain conditions, therefore in some cases inconveniences caused by vertigo can disappear without any medical contribution, however, there are also conditions where treatment is a necessity.
There are diverse methods used in the treatment of vertigo, such as:
-Vestibular rehabilitation
-Canalith repositioning maneuvers

Safe Space aims to find permanent solutions rather than temporary ones, therefore we diligently search and uncover the root cause of your inconvenience and eliminate it forever.