Acupuncture at Safe Space
Safe Space Acupuncture offers pain-free life because your life is the only thing that matters!
Acupuncture is one of the most efficient treatments in the sphere of complementary medicine.
Thin needle insertion to specific points of the body impacts the entire structure and functionality by stabilizing energy flow. Whereas treatment is mostly preferred for pain relief, the medical world has shown its noticeable effects on various mental conditions such as :
• depression
• anxiety
• insomnia
• addictions (smoking, alcohol, drugs) etc.
By diminishing muscle tension as well as building emotional balance, acupuncture can help you to overcome an expanded variety of physical and mental inconveniences.
Digestion, which is directly linked to the nervous system, benefits from acupuncture due to its capacity of reducing stress, which leads to improvement in the functionality of the digestion system.
This method can also be of great assistance in the treatment of the menstrual cycle as well as menopause.
Acupuncture is commonly recommended for the following conditions:
• Headaches or migraines
• Cystitis
• Joint and muscle pain ( back, neck, knees, hips, etc.)
• Inflammatory impairments
• Sports/Work-related injuries
• Pregnancy-induced spinal pain
• Postoperative stiffness and lack of mobility
• Asthma
• etc
Before the acupuncture session, your individual factors and medical history will be considered.
The duration of your needle treatment will vary based on the severity of your case and might be combined with physiotherapy or chiropractic therapy if it is needed.
Safe Space is ready to prove to you that needles in hands of trustworthy acupuncturists can create miracles. We are ready to replace your pain with energy and stress with more relaxation.